Healthy Holiday Tips
Holidays in Truckee! Many of you consistently put on a few pounds over the holidays. How can you not, when the holiday spirit is in the air and many of the Truckee festivities are centered on food! Baked goods magically appear in every direction you turn, from friends and family showing their love through food! Unfortunately, many of you don’t lose all of this holiday weight gain each year. A few extra pounds may not seem life changing, but they add up over time!
A few pro-active simple lifestyle solutions can help in the areas of food, habits, and coping skills so this Truckee Holiday season is truly a healthy and happy one!
This page was primarily written by my sister Kerry of Healthy Diet Habits, who is one of my Eat & Drink Category Sponsors and is helping me with the Holidays in Truckee Section, and I just customized the page to Truckee a bit, and added some non-food related tips.
Healthy Holiday Tips for Food:
- Decrease starchy carbohydrates to only one small serving for lunch and dinner.
- Eliminate all processed carbohydrates unless it is an event day.
- Increase fiber in your diet. This will keep you full and help with food cravings!
- Fill up on vegetable meals like soups and stir-fries on non-event days. Soups make great lunch meals. Many of the Truckee Deli's and Truckee Restaurants have amazing soups through the winter months!
- Always serve a salad and vegetable dish with your meals.
- Observe the half plate rule at all events. Fill your plate full of fruit and vegetable choices, looking for ones that are not slathered in creamy, oily sauces!
- Don’t drink calories. Put your daily coffee diet bomb on hold over the holidays. Ask your Truckee Coffee barista how best to lighten your coffee! Many of them are 600 or more calories! Alcohol drinks can also be diet bombs. Brandy eggnogs have almost 500 calories and many margaritas, daiquiris, and pina coladas are 700 calories. Champagne, wines, or light beers are better choices!
- Don’t skip any meals or snacks, especially breakfast. Eat a healthy breakfast every single day!
- Skip all fried foods!

Healthy Holiday Tips for Habits:
- Always bring a healthy dish to holiday events to share! So many meals are so heavy and a light fruit or vegetable salad will be the hit of the party!
- Plan in a daily treat during the holidays. Do not practice deprivation and do not feel guilty. Fill out a meal planning guide and plan the treat in!
- Practice portion control and understand what it is. Costco pies should be cut in sixteenths!
- Use smaller plates for all meals. Your brain will be satisfied with less food.
- Be conscious of calories in cookies. Many Christmas cookies are over 200 calories. You know the ones slathered in goo! Cookies are so easy to sneak too! No sneak eating!
- Practice healthy snacking in the afternoon period to keep hunger under control.
- Portion snacks into 100, 150, or 200 calories! Eat only one portion!
- Practice healthy grocery shopping! Shop only from a healthy grocery list that includes items you need and avoid all impulse buys. (See my sister's Healthy Grocery List) If you have not yet tried shopping at New Moons Natural Foods, it is one of my favorite Truckee Grocery Stores for finding healthy food! If you live in Truckee, plan your Grocery Shopping at times that minimizes tourists in the Grocery Stores.
- End all mindless eating during this period. That means no snacking during television times or while multitasking! All eating should be done at the table.
- Avoid the break-room at your work that will be goodie laden.
- Practice healthy baking and limit the varieties of baked goods. The less variety you bake, the less you will eat. Try new recipes that are lightened!
- Do not bake and bring goodies to work! So many people struggle with their weight and your love of baking can bring others down. Practice kindness!
- Keep all baked goods put away and do not leave them sitting out for grab and go!
- Avoid fast food meals during the holidays. If you have to eat at one of the Truckee Fast Food Restaurants, try and choose a healthier option!
- Avoid seconds at events and practice the 20 minute rule. It takes that long for your brain to register that you are full.
- Avoid all appetizers at events unless they are fruits or vegetables. Most are diet bombs and not filling. You can eat a meals worth of calories quickly!
- Avoid all extra-curricular eating like samples at Costco. A round of Costco samples can cost you over 600 calories! Just be aware that every morsel of food that passes your lips counts!
Healthy Holiday Tips for Coping Skills:
- Don’t be embarrassed to ask co-workers to keep their desk candies hidden away.
- Expect the holidays to be emotional and do not keep your favorite trigger foods at home. Be aware of emotional eating times and plan strategies now.
- Accept that you might not be able to please everyone during the holidays! The holidays are a busy time and you don't have to say "YES" to everything, or attend every event!
Manage your stress. Plan times centered on relaxation like a nice massage or something that you enjoy! Check out the Truckee Beauty & Spa page! My daughter Brie is a Massage Therapist in Midtown, Sacramento - check out her list of The Many Benefits of Massage, and see how a massage can really help! (Pictured: The Spa at Squaw Creek at the Resort at Squaw Creek in Olympic Valley!)
Be aware of common thinking mistakes that can get you into trouble, especially all or nothing thinking!
Start your Christmas Shopping early, wrap your gifts, and put them under the Tree as soon as you get it up and you'll have longer to enjoy them, and your kids will be more excited for the holidays. Procrastinating on shopping just adds unnecessary stress fighting the crowds at the last minute. My Dad always shopped on Christmas Eve, and he couldn't wrap, so my sister and I were always up at midnight wrapping his gifts for him.
The Truckee Holidays are a great time to think about others! Many of the Truckee Non-Profit Organizations have fundraisers during this time, and need extra help from volunteers, and extra donations to make sure that everyone has great holiday meals and everyone has presents under the tree. Jump in and help however you can - if your own resources are tight, donate your time! The saying that "It is better to give, than receive" is so true!
Be sensitive of single people & single families and military families of those deployed, and include them in your own holiday events whenever possible - depression gets a lot of people down during the holidays, and they will enjoy being included!
Plan in exercise or a lunch walk to keep your stress under control. There are plenty of Truckee Winter Activities to choose from!
Skiing at Palisades Tahoe (Formerly Squaw Valley U.S.A.) in Olympic Valley, CA
Practicing healthy holiday tips from Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and through New Year’s Day can keep your weight on track! You can’t have it all! Choose some areas to cut back on that will allow you to indulge in lightened holiday treats! Each of you is different. Work on the areas that are most difficult for you!
Happy Healthy Holidays in Truckee!
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