Truckee Restaurants!
This page will be the new Truckee Restaurants Main Page, and will link
out to everything food related in Truckee! I truly believe that some of
the restaurants in Truckee, and some of the Lake Tahoe restaurants are some of the best California Restaurants!!
Photo: Baby Vegetable Salad from Restaurant Trokay in Downtown Truckee
Hands down "The Best Salad" that I have had in Truckee, and "The Best Food Presentation" that I have seen in Truckee!!
Salad included: Tiny Zucchini, Shaved Teenage Fennel, Del Rio Farms Baby Corn, Baby Chioggia Beets, Petite Icicle Radish
My Current Favorite Restaurants!!
Here are my current favorite Restaurants: (Share YOUR Favorites Below!)
- Favorite Asian/Chinese: Wong's Garden - I no longer eat meat, but I was partial to their broccoli and beef luncheon. Lots of food for the price!
- Favorite Breakfast:
We always loved Squeeze In (My Daughter's friend Amanda Thorsby worked there, and is now at one of their locations!) Ironically, they also serve lunch there, but I've never tried
anything off the lunch menu as I always want their Breakfast! I'm a true
Squeeze In Egghead!
- Favorite Burger: - Burger Me!! (Love, Love, Love their Veggie Burger on Whole Wheat Bun and a side of Sweet Potato Fries!)
- Favorite Cocktail (so far!!): THE ESCALADE from Sunnyside Restaurant & Lodge at Lake Tahoe.
It was expensive - $12.50, but it's a Cadillac Margarita, Sierra style.
(Corralejo Reposado tequila, Triple Sec, sweet & sour, splash of
orange juice with a Grand Marnier float)
- Favorite Coffee: Restaurant Trokay - Blue Bottle Coffee!! Super Service, Amazing Food (I really don't think I have seen better food presentation with everything just looking incredible!!).
- Favorite Deck/Patio Eating: Cottonwood Restaurant - sitting out on the patio deck and looking out at the awesome views of the Truckee River, Downtown Truckee Commercial Row, and the Mountains!
- Favorite Dessert: Roasted Bosc Pear Gallette at the Manzanita Restaurant, Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe at mid-mountain in Northstar. Fantastic views and stellar service! (pictured below)
- Favorite Italian Food: Pianeta Ristorante
- Favorite Mexican Food: Casa Baeza
- Favorite Salad: Restaurant Trokay - Unbelievably great! Fresh ingredients, and amazing
presentation! I'm sure they would find a way to make OKRA taste great!!
(A long standing joke in my family....boiled OKRA growing up...yuk!!)
- Favorite Sushi: So many great places, but I'm a huge Mikuni Fan, so love the Mikuni's in the Village at Northstar. (Alas....Mikuni's closed)
- Favorite Truckee Restaurant - $$$ Moody's Bistro & Lounge (inside the Truckee Hotel).
- Exceptional Service:
- Manzanita at the Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe at Northstar. This would
be a great Date Night Dinner!! The views from mid-mountain at Northstar
are awesome, especially at sunset!
- Favorite Lake Tahoe Restaurants:
Sunnyside Restaurant & Lodge (especially at the Mountain Grill on
the back deck which is right on the water!). Jake's on The Lake also in
Tahoe City, is also a favorite with a great deck and views!

Roasted Bosc Pear Gallette
Manzanita Restaurant, Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe
2016 Best of Truckee and North Tahoe Winners
Each year, the staff from the Sierra Sun and the North Lake Tahoe
Bonanza, conduct an online-only contest in 68 different categories.
There are extensive Food & Drink Categories.
If you are new to
the area or just looking for the locals favorites, check out the Best
Food & Drink winners - you can't go wrong with any of these places!!
In the "Best People" section, you can find the best Bartender, Barista,
Wait Person, and Chef. (see the past winners also!)
What are YOUR Favorites??
I've shared my favorites and recommendations with you!
What's YOUR favorite Restaurant in Truckee? Share it with the Truckee Travel Guide readers!! Include pictures of YOUR great meal too!!
SHARE YOUR Favorites!!
Truckee Restaurants
There are way too many restaurants in town, to cover them all on one page, so I've attempted to break them down by Price range:
See where you can get Truckee Restaurant Deals!!
Other Related Places for Food:
Healthy Diet Habits
Helping me with the "Foodie" section, is my sister Kerry of Healthy Diet Habits. She has a Science degree in Dietetics, has an amazing Website, and a Fantastic Facebook Page with thousands of followers!
Some of the pages that Kerry has helped with include: (lots more pages will be added!)
- Emergency Preparedness
- Kerry's family lived 5 miles from the epicenter of the horrible 1994
Chatsworth earthquake - she has written an 8 page series sharing her
experiences and recommendations for emergency food and water, how to
store everything and cook without power - some great tips!! If you don't
have an emergency plan for your family - this section is a MUST READ and it is especially important if you live in Truckee to be prepared during the winter months!!
- Fall Weight Loss Tips
- Healthy Vacation Food - Tips on how to go on vacation and not come back 10 lbs heavier!
- Holidays in Truckee
- each holiday will have the Traditional Meal favorites, ways to
lighten up the traditional Holiday Meal, and give sample menu's and
tips, as well as Holiday Fun Facts, and the Holiday Events in the Truckee an Lake Tahoe area.
- Summer Cooking Strategies
- Truckee Farmers Market - Just GO Organic, and eat Real Foods!!
New! Comments
Have your say about what you just read! Leave me a comment in the box below.