Hiking Maps and Books

The Truckee Hiking Maps page, provides various options for purchasing Truckee & Lake Tahoe Hiking Maps, Hiking Books, and Hiking Trail Guidebooks. You can choose the specific areas that you want in the Truckee / Tahoe area, or a more general Northern California Hiking Guidebook. Some of the map options, include campgrounds, mountain bike trails, and horse trails in the area.

Hiking in the Truckee / Lake Tahoe area

One of the items that I would love to do one day, is hike the Tahoe Rim Trail around Lake Tahoe! If you have backpacked the entire Tahoe Rim Trail, I'd love for you to share YOUR Backpacking Story! YOUR story, plus up to four, optional pictures will become part of the Truckee Travel Guide website. YOUR family, friends, and others, can comment on YOUR story.

Be sure to visit the Truckee Hiking page, the Truckee Backpacking page, and the Truckee Campgrounds page for more details, including a list of supplies that are needed.

One of the first rules of Hiking, Backpacking, and Camping, especially in wilderness areas, is to always carry a Map with you!! Be Prepared and Be Safe!

Map Options Coming Soon!

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