The Kings Beach State Recreation Area is located in Downtown Kings Beach and features 1,700 feet of shoreline property along the Lake, which makes it the largest public access sandy beach on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe.
While the area is a California State Park, it is maintained by the North Tahoe P.U.D. Parks Department.
This is a great beach for amenities! There is something for everyone! There are basketball courts, horseshoes, and volleyball courts for those that want to participate in activities outside the water.
While there are local restaurants nearby, there are picnic areas and BBQ's where you can bring your own food and grill.
In the summer, this is the place to be for boat rentals. North Tahoe Watersports provides kayaks, jet ski rentals, paddleboats, parasailing, and the big water bikes that you can rent. My kids loved this beach when they were younger!
If you have never tried Jet Skiing, it is incredible fun, and a great way to see the Lake, especially if you cruise around the shore line!
The Kings Beach State Recreation Area is one of the places on the North Shore where you can go Parasailing.
Parasailing looks super fun, but due to my fear of heights, I'll leave this activity for others! I just enjoy watching - it is great to walk out on the Pier and watch them take off and land.
The beach has a great pier where you can walk out on and get some great views looking back at the beach area, or out at gorgeous Lake Tahoe!
The Kings Beach State Recreation Area has a great playground area that is close to the water and beach area where parents can sit and keep an eye on their young children. One picnic area near the playground is available for rental by groups, while other picnic areas are available on a first come, first served basis.
The Amazing View of Lake Tahoe from the beach area!
California Dept. Parks & Recreation website:
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