Truckee Ski Poll - Vote Now!

Vote in the Truckee Ski Poll conducted by Truckee Travel Guide, to find out the Favorite Truckee Ski Resorts to ski at!

Results will be shown on this page in a graph format below the voting box, (once we have voters), showing the number of votes for each Truckee Ski Resort, or Lake Tahoe Ski Resort.

Please Note: Unfortunately, as you vote, results are not shown in Real-time, but results are updated within 24 hours of Voting. If you are an early voter, it will look like your vote didn't count, but it did. The Solo Build It software, will be looking into providing immediate results shown on the Thank You page that you receive after voting, and on the poll page itself. Hopefully, that will be coming shortly.

In the meantime, I will be posting results at the bottom of this page, at the end of every day!

I hope that you will return to visit us often, and follow our updates.

Where is YOUR Favorite Place to Ski?

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


Thank you very much for participating in Truckee Travel Guide's Ski Poll!!

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